Welcome to my blog site. I have been blogging here since autumn of 2018, with a stirring to aid mother gaia in awakening the beings of earth to the new earth emerging.

It’s my sincere wish that you glean spiritual nourishment from my blog entries and are awakened to your true nature on our spiritual path together.


I highly recommend a viewing of ascensionminds web-page for illuminating profound lessons on the ascension path for the individual soul journey and being an aid to Mother Gaia’s ascension to the higher dimensions.

It offers helpful tips and guidance on how we can master the ascension path of our souls and there is much more material to come from the site in the times that lay ahead for us and our planet.

A valuable resource and a must-visit for all those keen to evolve to the higher dimensions of existence!

Soul Talk

I’ve initiated a series I’ve labelled ‘Soul Talk’ on the site. In these short exercises, I am connecting with my inner soul for guidance on the day ahead. I still my mind for 5 minutes then take note of the result.

You can read these daily exercises here.

I have extended the soul talk on a weekly basis via a 15 minute mediation on my soul message for the week. You can view Here!

Namaste and Blessings

As the sanskrit word namaste conveys I’m pleased to greet the divinity in you from the divinity in me.

Blessings on your soul journey may you be guided in Christ’s holy name.

This is me, Barry McEvoy, at my favourite place near the sea where the energy of Gaia can be gloriously felt.

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